Monday, April 18, 2011

Finally... An enjoyable flight

Each leg of the almost 36 hour journey from Detroit to Milan has been painful in some way. Frustration, discomfort, waiting, waiting, waiting... But the Air France connection from Paris to Milan has been completely enjoyable. The seating is the best of any of the flights so far (got a half hour nap in even)... The snack was yummy... A little orzo salad, a fruit tart, a chocolate filled chocolate thing, some strong coffee and a hunk of dark chocolate. I'd include a picture of the snack, but I ate all of it!

I feel awake even. At least until the caffeine and sugar buzz wears off!

Next challenge... Land and see if my luggage ended up in the same place I am. I'm guessing the probability of that is about zero.

Descending into northern Italy....

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