Monday, April 18, 2011

I've fallen and I can't get up?

While getting ready for bed I ran across this little gizmo in the shower. Do we think there is an intruder problem in the area and you need this in case they sneak up on you in the shower? Or are there just a lot of old people who stay here?

Inquiring minds and all that...

(more) Issues

So I set foot in Italy today. It was only about 12 hours later than planned, 12 very painful hours. As you might have expected, there was one more delightful situation to be addressed...

In amongst switching planes and itineraries over the last day and a half, somehow my luggage got separated from me. I know, shocking, but I had a small sliver of hope that somehow my bag had ended up here via some route. No dice, it did not come off the conveyor from my last flight and no one can find it without an investigation. I suspect it is in some locked room in the Milan airport, but the lost bag people were not at liberty to tell me that. So, I filled out the form and now I wait to hear when they will deliver it.

While I was dealing with all this, my Italian friend Marco was waiting outside hoping to see me emerge. Finally I did, from a different door of course, so a bit of triangulation with less than 100% efficiency in communication resulted in us meeting up in really not that long given the way the rest of the trip went.

Then the drive to Legnago, I checked into the hotel and whew I can wash and relax and not wear the same clothes for a bit.

Have to deal with THAT problem in the morning... a new shirt would be nice, at a minimum.

For now I am thinking that a bit of sleep would be the right thing to do!

Finally... An enjoyable flight

Each leg of the almost 36 hour journey from Detroit to Milan has been painful in some way. Frustration, discomfort, waiting, waiting, waiting... But the Air France connection from Paris to Milan has been completely enjoyable. The seating is the best of any of the flights so far (got a half hour nap in even)... The snack was yummy... A little orzo salad, a fruit tart, a chocolate filled chocolate thing, some strong coffee and a hunk of dark chocolate. I'd include a picture of the snack, but I ate all of it!

I feel awake even. At least until the caffeine and sugar buzz wears off!

Next challenge... Land and see if my luggage ended up in the same place I am. I'm guessing the probability of that is about zero.

Descending into northern Italy....

Lunch with Paul

To make it a complete Paris experience while staying completely inside the airport, I ate at Paul. Paul has tasty sandwiches, amazing chocolate croissants and all the espresso you can guzzle. They are all over Paris and there are quite a few inside the airport. Including one just a few steps from my gate... So I had what felt like lunch but was really an early evening snack. I'm sure there will be another meal yet to come in Italy.

My actual lunch... (double espresso, jambon sandwich)

Paris in the the spring

Ah, Paris is lovely this time of year. Sunny, spring-like. I would enjoy being here if this was where I was aiming for. De Gaulle airport has such an interesting layout, even though I am in the right terminal, I cannot go in unless I know my gate due to the different sections. Luckily, there is food and wine out here while I wait the FOUR hours until I get to fly again.

I am guessing next stop is Moscow, that is pretty out of the way from where I am going.

(FYI 2010 was not a good year for French red wine...)